Homeworking Costs for the Self-Employed

Fact sheet updated: March 7, 2024

Homeworking Costs for the Self-Employed

Working from home may be an attractive option for some. Here we consider the tax implications of homeworking arrangements for the self-employed.

Your status is important

The tax rules differ considerably depending on whether you are self-employed, as a sole trader or partner, or whether you are an employee, even if that is as an employee of your own company. One way or the other though, if you want to maximise the tax position, it is essential to keep good records. If not, HMRC may seek to rectify the tax position several years down the line. This can lead to unexpected bills including several years’ worth of tax, interest, and penalties.

This factsheet focuses on the position of the self-employed.

Wholly and exclusively

The self-employed pay tax on the profits that the business makes or their share of those profits. So, the critical issue is to ensure that costs incurred can be set against that profit. For day-to-day overheads, those costs generally must be incurred ‘wholly and exclusively’ for the purposes of the trade to be tax deductible. What does this really mean in practice? Well, HMRC has issued a lot of guidance on the matter which is summarised below.

Use of the home

If the self-employed carry on some of their business from home, then some tax relief may be available. HMRC accepts that even if the business is carried on elsewhere, a deduction for part of the household expenses is still acceptable if there are times when part of the home is used solely for business purposes. To quote:

‘If there is only minor use, for example writing up the business records at home, you may accept a reasonable estimate without detailed enquiry.’

So that there is no confusion, wholly and exclusively does not mean that business expenditure has to be separately billed or that part of the home must be permanently used for business purposes. However, it does mean that when part of the home is being used for the business then that is the sole use for that part at that time.

HMRC accepts that costs can be apportioned but on what basis? Well, if a small amount is being claimed then HMRC will usually not be too interested. In fact, HMRC seems to accept that an estimate of a few pounds a week is acceptable. However, if more is to be claimed then HMRC suggests that the following factors are considered:

  • The proportion in terms of area of the home that is used for business purposes
  • How much is consumed where there is a metered or measurable supply such as electricity, gas or water and
  • How long it is used for business purposes.

What sort of costs can I claim for?

Generally, HMRC will accept a reasonable proportion of costs such as council tax, mortgage interest, insurance, water rates, general repairs and rent, as well as cleaning, heat and light and metered water.

Other allowable costs may include the cost of business calls on the home telephone and a proportion of the line rental, in addition to expenditure on internet connections to the extent that the connection is used for business purposes.

So how does this work in practice?

As already mentioned, if there is a small amount of work done at home, a nominal weekly figure is usually fine but for substantial claims a more scientific method may be needed.

Andrew works from home and has no other business premises. He uses a spare room from 9am to 1pm and then from 2pm until 6pm. The rest of the time it is used by the family. The room represents about 10% of the total area of the house.

The costs including cleaning, insurance, council tax and mortgage interest are about £8,000. 10% = £800 and 8/24 of the use by time is for business, so the claim could be £267.

Electricity costs total £1,500, so 10% is £150 of which 8/24 = £50.

In addition, a reasonable proportion of other costs such as telephone and broadband costs would be acceptable.

The key to Andrew’s claim will be that he keeps the records to prove the figures and proportions used.

Equipment costs

For self-employed businesses, the depreciation of assets is covered by a set of tax reliefs known as capital allowances. For equipment at home, such as a laptop, desk, chair, etc, capital allowances may be available on the business proportion (based on estimated business usage) of those assets. So, if Andrew uses his laptop solely for business, the whole cost will be within the capital allowances rules.

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